Gayatri Sound Immersion for Winter Solstice

12/21/2019 7:30 PM

Gayatri Sound Immersion for Winter Solstice DEC21

Gayatri Sound Immersion for Winter Solstice with Ian & Margo

 · Hosted by Santosha studio and 2 others
In honor of the Winter Solstice and the returning of the light, Ian and Margo will present a sound immersion with the Gayatri Mantra! The Gayatri is one of the oldest mantras that we know, originating from the Rig Veda, the original text of Indian spirituality. The Gayatri Mantra draws down the Divine Light of true knowledge into our minds, illuminating all the spaces that have been darkened by ignorance and delusion. This mantra is thought to be one of the most direct pathways to enlightenment. Chanting of the Gayatri Mantra will be accompanied by a recitation of the Gayatri Stotram, an eight verse prayer that is intended to accompany the solstices.

Ian sings sacred bhajans (prayer songs) and leads the group in chanting mantras, accompanied by drums, harmonium, Indian harp, and various other instruments.

Margo creates a soundscape of sacred vibrations using Himalayan singing bowls, Chinese wind gong, and more, that form an environment of healing and meditative energies.
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