2014 Board Application for NetIP
11/15/2013 12:00 AM
The Network of Indian Professionals (NetIP) Atlanta is accepting applications for the 2014 board. NetIP Atlanta brought home the award from the 22nd annual conference for the Best Chapter Board 2013. After achieving several BOSCAR awards in 2013, we want to increase our membership, generate more sponsorship, & reach a larger audience in the upcoming 2014 year. This is where you, our new board will come in. We want innovative ideas to make this upcoming year better than ever. The 23rd annual NetIP NA Conference will also be held in Atlanta, GA so board members will have the opportunity to help out the conference planning.
Apply TODAY!
1. Download the application
2. Complete the information
3. Submit the completed form with resume to netipatlanta@gmail.com
1. Download the application
2. Complete the information
3. Submit the completed form with resume to netipatlanta@gmail.com
Deadline: November 15, 2013