A Life Worth Breathing: A Yoga Master’s Handbook of Strength, Grace, & Healing

11/8/2017 12:30 PM

A Life Worth Breathing: A Yoga Master’s Handbook of Strength, Grace, & Healing

A Life Worth Breathing: A Yoga Master’s Handbook of Strength, Grace, & Healing
The Siegel Institute Year of India Book Discussion

Discussion facilitated by Dr. Linda M. Johnston. Lunch provided. The educational goals for this event include a better understanding of Indian culture, inspiring interest in Indian studies, and creating connections across disciplines with a shared interest in Indian studies research. The Siegel Institute has a rich history and reputation for facilitating and hosting engaging book discussions that inspire further knowledge seeking and follow-up dialogue with others.
Limited space available. Registration open.

Date: Wednesday, November 8th, 2017
Time: 12:30 - 2:00 pm
Venue: Kennesaw Hall, Room 1203
Cost: includes lunch and book. The first 15 guests will receive a free copy of the book. Once all books have been distributed, there will be three additional guest spaces available for those who would like to purchase a copy of the book on their own and attend the discussion.
Register: here
Contact: http://dga.kennesaw.edu/yearof/india/schedule.php

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