AA Parents Assoc.: Bullying Prevention in Georgia

12/9/2014 7:00 PM

AA Parents Assoc.: Bullying Prevention in Georgia

Asian American Parents Association (AAPA) Conference Call
AAPI Bullying Prevention in Georgia Briefing

Join the Asian American Parents Association (AAPA) for a discussion about Cyberbullying, legislation in Georgia, and how parents of Asian American children can get involved.
Special Guest: Rep. Carolyn Hugley (D-Columbus) who introduced a Cyberbullying bill in last year's Georgia legislative session.
About Rep. Hugley: http://www.house.ga.gov/representatives/en-US/member.aspx?Member=133&Session=23

Date: Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Time: 7 - 8 p.m.
Venue: Conference call details will be sent to your email address.
Register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1pdRN4uH_eTZpJI6mljulUDkqkDRukmvxYrA9q6xOrb4/viewform?c=0&w=1

Contact: aaparentsga@gmail.com, Facebook page


1. Welcome & Introduction by Tricia Sung

2. Bullying Prevention & Asian American Communities in Georgia by Japjee Singh (Sikh Coalition)

3. Special Briefing by Rep. Carolyn Hugley (D-Columbus)
a. Cyberbullying legislation
b. How Asian American parents can get involved

4. Feedback from Asian American parents

5. Spring 2015 - Bullying Prevention Town Hall by Kuldip Singh (Sikh American Community of Georgia)
a. Task Force of diverse AAPI Coalition members - Asian American Parents Association, Sikh American Community of Georgia, Asian Pacific American Historical Society, and Asian American Peace Officers of Georgia. Additional community partners are welcomed.

6. Monthly AAPA Bullying Prevention Task Force Meeting - 2nd Wednesday of every month from 12 - 1

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