AJC Decatur Book Festival

More than 205 authors, poets, historians, scientists and chefs have been signed to appear at the 2019 AJC Decatur Book Festival (DBF) this Labor Day weekend, Aug. 30 – Sep. 1, in Decatur. This year's festival presented by Emory University will host authors from across the U.S. whose books represent a broad range of topics and genres.
A sneak peek at authors coming to the 2019 festival, including
- Sona Charaipotra
Mamta Chaudhry
Roshani Chokshi
Mira Jacob
Soniah Kamal
Devi S. Laskar 8/31 1:45pm First Baptist, Carreker Hall
Suketu Mehta
Sucheta Rawal 8/31-9/1 at booth no 443.
Fariha Roisin:
While many books focus on a single theme, Fariha Roisin and Meredith Talusan must navigate multiple identities and communities, both in their writing and their lives. Roisin’s How to Cure a Ghost and Talusan’s forthcoming memoir Fairest explore the complexities of what it’s like to live and write in America when you belong to communities that are under threat. (8/31, 1:45pm at Marriott Conference Center C).
Deboleena Roy:
“Should feminists clone?” “What do neurons think about?” “How can we learn from bacterial writing?” These and other provocative questions have long preoccupied neuroscientist, molecular biologist, and intrepid feminist theorist Deboleena Roy, who takes seriously the capabilities of lab “objects”—bacteria and other human, nonhuman, organic, and inorganic actants—in order to understand processes of becoming. In Molecular Feminisms, Roy investigates science as feminism at the lab bench, engaging in an interdisciplinary conversation between molecular biology, Deleuzian philosophies, posthumanism, and postcolonial and decolonial studies. She brings insights from feminist theory together with lessons learned from bacteria, subcloning, and synthetic biology, arguing that renewed interest in matter and materiality must be accompanied by a feminist rethinking of scientific research methods and techniques. (
September 1 @1:15 pm, Marriott Conference Center C)Aisha Saeed: her children’s book Bilal Cooks Daal has been out just over a month, 8/31 2:30pm at Children's Stage at Decatur Recreation Center
Thrity Umrigar: Franklin Abbott is moderating a panel with novelists Jaime Manrique and Thrity Umrigar on Saturday, 8/31, at 12:30 in the Marriott Ballroom C
Seema Yasmin 8/31 5:30pm at Marriott Conference Center B
- Inspired by Louisa May Alcott's "Little Women," middle grade book "More to the Story" features four sisters from a modern American Muslim family living in Georgia. Author Hena Khan is a Pakistani-American Muslim, born and raised in Maryland, who enjoys writing about her culture and religion.
Time: Schedule https://decaturbookfestival.com/festival/schedule/
Venue: downtown Decatur, GA
Contact: https://www.facebook.com/events/384859432122636/
Vedic Friends Association will participate:
Vedic Friends Association is very happy to be part of the 2019 Decatur Book Festival next Sat. and Sun. (Aug. 31 and Sept. 1). Please join us and please visit the Vedic Friends Association booth ( Booth #424 on the map attached) to check out a great selection of Vedic themed literature.
Murari Band will be playing a very upbeat set of mantra rock on Sunday, Sept. 1st at 4pm on the community bandstand (stage 13 on the map).
Please visit www.decaturbookfestival.com for the event details.
Please visit https://www.vedicfriendsassociation.org to know more about VFA.
About - We are a group of people who were individually working in various ways to spread a greater understanding of what the Vedic culture and philosophy are and what it has to offer.