Applying Mindfulness in Everyday Life

12/3/2017 11:00 AM

Applying Mindfulness in Everyday Life

Applying Mindfulness in Everyday Life

Drepung Loseling Monastery Inc., along with the Emory-Tibet Partnership, is honored to host Khen Rinpoche, Geshe Lobsang Yeshe, the abbot of Drepung Loseling Monastery—a six-hundred-year old center of monastic scholarship and practice—for a public talk on Sunday, December 3 at 11am at Drepung Loseling Monastery, Inc. The venerable Abbot will speak on, “Applying Mindfulness in Everyday Life,” and will conclude his talk by leading a brief meditation.

From 2-4pm Khen Rinpoche, will also offer a traditional teaching on “The Three Principal Paths to Enlightenment,” one of the most important treatises by Je Tsongkhapa, the great 15th century philosopher and spiritual master.

The venerable abbot—of the last generation of Tibetan spiritual leaders born and trained inside Tibet—represents a profound tradition of scholarship and practice that can trace its roots to Nalanda University in India, one of the world’s oldest centers of academic inquiry. Nalanda’s legacy, kept alive in Tibet by the great philosopher and spiritual master, Je Tsongkhapa, includes the life works of the greatest masters of Indian Buddhism including Nagarjuna, Asanga, Shantideva, and Dharmakirti.

Once Tibet’s largest monastery with more than 10,000 monk scholars in residence, Drepung Loseling was reestablished in exile in India in 1969 following the Chinese Communist invasion of Tibet. It is now a flourishing community of more than 3000 monks. The Emory-Tibet Partnership was founded in 1998, originally a partnership between Drepung Loseling and Emory University. Now a multi-dimensional organization, it continues to collaborate with Drepung Loseling on innovative programs such as the Emory-Tibet Science Initiative, that actively works to explore the convergence of science and Buddhism..

Date: Sunday, Dec 3, 2017
Time: 11 AM: DLM and the The Emory-Tibet Partnership co-sponsor his talk on "Applying Mindfulness in Everyday Life"
Time: 2-4 PM: the Abbot will speak on "The Three Principal Paths to Enlightenment"
Venue: Drepung Loseling Monastery, 1781 Dresden Dr, Atlanta, GA 30319, 404-982-0051
Contact: Register:

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