Beato Goes To Brazil book launch party

9/26/2019 6:30 PM

Beato Goes To Brazil book launch party SEP26

Beato Goes To Brazil book launch party!

 · Hosted by Beato Goes To and Sucheta Rawal
Celebrate the release of our new book 'Beato Goes To Brazil’ in which Beato (the cat from Atlanta) makes a new friend who teaches him different sports. Together, Beato and Amanda (a real girl from Rio) dance in the Carnival, visit the Amazon rainforest, and eat acai berry bowls. They discover Brazil’s cultural diversity with Africans, Japanese, Arabs, indigenous tribes and gauchos.
Meet some of the characters in the book! Beato Goes To Brazil includes real Brazilian people :)
Sucheta Rawal is an Atlanta-based food and travel writer who has been to 85+ countries. She has authored a series of children’s books ‘Beato Goes To’ based on her real cat, Beato. Each book is based in a different country - Greenland, Israel, Indonesia, Japan & Brazil, & based on real pictures & personal journeys. The books are designed to teach kids about the world, especially related to diversity and culture.
There will be a reading & short presentation by the author, Brazilian samba by Andrea Moreira Dance Brasil & refreshments sponsored by Minas Grill.
Autographed books will be available for purchase for $14.95+tax.
Kids & families are invited! However, we ask that you RSVP as there is a maximum room capacity.
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Wouldn’t it be great to walk in to first day of school & already know some fun facts about each other’s cultural backgrounds, rather than make fun of head coverings or spicy lunch boxes?
How do you teach kids about different cultures, food, festivals & religions in this growing multicultural environment? 
Having traveled to & written about 85+ countries, I realized that people (esp kids) everywhere are the same, once we look past our differences in skin tones & nationalities. It is our duty, as adults, to expose young minds to not only accept, but cherish, our differences, so they grow up to be compassionate world citizens.
Even if you don't have the time or energy to travel abroad, eat at ethnic restaurants, or attend international festivals, you can read Beato Goes To children's picture books at bedtime and start the conversation. Who doesn't love stories of a traveling cat, right?
Hope you had a wonderful summer & welcome back to a diverse classroom!
Happy reading,
I'm so excited to announce that my 5th book in the Beato Goes To series, is about to be released. I traveled to Brazil three times, from the Afro Brazilian state of Bahia to the pristine beaches of Rio. Each time, I was deeply touches by the warmth of the locals and over the years, I have made lasting friendships with them.
The main character in this book is Amanda, a girl from Rio who I befriended in Atlanta. We traveled together to many countries, including her home country of Brazil. As always, the characters, illustrations and stories in Beato Goes To Brazil are inspired by true events and real people.
Besides learning about the culture, food, wildlife and places in Brazil, Beato also understands that people from Brazil love to be outdoors and play sports. He tries his hand on foot volley, soccer, jiu jitsu and more. Another thing he discovers is the racial diversity in Brazil that includes Germans, Lebanese, Africans and Japanese!
I will be signing books at several location during the launch. If you would like me to visit your neighbor school, library, bookstore, or club, let me know.
Happy reading,

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