Bhakti and Sufi Interactions in South Asia

10/17/2017 4:30 PM

Bhakti and Sufi Interactions in South Asia
V. Narayana Rao and Scott Kugle - "Bhakti and Sufi Interactions in South Asia"TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2017, 4:30 – 6PM EDT
Location Callaway Center S-319
Department/Organization Middle Eastern and South Asian Studies
Meeting Organizer/Sponsor South Asia Seminar Series
Speaker/Presenter V. Narayana Rao and Scott Kugle
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V. Narayana Rao, Visweswara Rao and Sita Koppaka Professor
in Telugu Culture, Literature and History

and Scott Kugle, Professor of South Asian and Islamic Studies

“Bhakti and Sufi Interactions in South Asia”

The Bhakti movement in Hindu communities and the Sufi movement in Muslim communities had a long and fruitful interaction in South Asia. What did they have in common and how did they interact? This conversation will focus on mystical sensual poetry and song to understand whether there was a confluence of Hindu and Islamic movements in pre-modern South Asia. Profs. Rao and Kugle will focus on the Deccan as an especially fertile region for Bhakti and Sufi interaction.

Date: Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Time: 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Venue: Emory University, Callaway Center S-319 (Middle Eastern and South Asian Studies Department, 537 S Kilgo Cir NE, Atlanta, Georgia 30322)

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