CNN DIALOGUES: The 2010 Census and the New America

8/31/2011 7:00 PM

CNN DIALOGUES: The 2010 Census and the New America On behalf of CNN, the James Weldon Johnson Institute for the Study of Race and Difference of Emory University, and the National Center For Civil and Human Rights, you are invited to attend the inaugural open forum of CNN Dialogues on Wednesday, August 31 at 7:00 pm at The Carter Center.

CNN DIALOGUES: The 2010 Census and the New America

If numbers don`t lie, what can the 2010 U.S. Census tell us about who we are and how we live? On August 31st, thought leaders in sociology, urban studies, and popular culture will come together in front of a live audience at The Carter Center in Atlanta to explore the implications of the 2010 census in the inaugural forum of CNN DIALOGUES.

This event, moderated by CNN`s Wolf Blitzer, will feature panelists Heidi Durrow, Edward James Olmos, Yul Kwon, Kris Marsh and Dana F. White.

Date: Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Time; 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Venue: The Cecil B. Day Chapel of The Carter Center
453 Freedom Parkway, Atlanta, GA, 30307

Admission: $25.00
Tickets also may be purchased only by check at the Carter Center beginning at 5:30 pm - based on availability. A limited number of complimentary tickets for college students with a current ID will also be available beginning at 5:30 pm.
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Proceeds support the James Weldon Johnson Institute of Emory University and the National Center for Civil and Human Rights. 

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