Women's Empowerment Art Show

3/10/2018 11:55 AM

Women's Empowerment Art Show

Call for Art- Women's Empowerment Art Show
Public · Hosted by Raksha, Inc
Are you an up-and-coming artist? Do you want your art to be seen? Do you care about a good cause?
Raksha is happy to announce that we are hosting our first ever art show, and we want art from YOU!
The theme for this exhibition is Women's Empowerment. Your perception and interpretation of what women's empowerment means. Stories of struggle, triumph, and the spaces in between. We want to see your tribute to the journeys that women have taken or continue to take to realize their hidden potential.
• No more than 2 pieces per artist
• Canvas and framed work as well as small sculptures accepted
• Nudity allowed, but works depicting sexual acts will not be accepted
• Blood, gore, or other violent works will not be accepted
• Works that may be triggering or traumatizing to survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and/or child abuse will not be accepted
• Artists must be at least 18 years of age
Please include two clear pictures, name and short description of work.
All entries must be in by February 18th, 2018 at 11:59pm.
We will not be taking commissions from the sale of art, but a small hanging fee may apply. Artists are welcome to donate proceeds to Raksha.
Art exhibition


Contributions wanted from talented artists for Raksha Women's Empowerment Art Show on March 10

For details contact Tasnim Mosabber at tasnim@raksha.org

All submissions must be sent to ANJALI@RAKSHA.ORG
Contact: About Submissions: https://www.facebook.com/events/394102361012957/

About the show:

Raksha is proud to present the Women's Empowerment Art Show!
Join us as we celebrate International Women's Day and honor the struggles and triumphs of women and girls. Support local artists who have created stunning artworks that show their own journeys and experiences.
Meet new people, and enjoy delicious food provided by local restaurants for a fun filled Saturday!
All artwork will be for sale, with artists keeping 100% of the profits.
Entry and appetizers are free.
If you are interested in participating, or having your artwork on display, find out submission guidelines here:
We would like to thank our kind sponsors:
Mediterranean Bakery, https://www.facebook.com/pg/MediterraneanBakery/reviews/
Digital Arts Studio, https://www.facebook.com/AtlantaGiclee/
House of Blended Ink, https://www.facebook.com/HOBIStudios/
Mezcalito's Cantina & Tequila Bar, https://www.facebook.com/mezcalitosgrantpark/
Art exhibition
Digital art
Date: Saturday, March 10, 2018
Time: 12 PM - 4:30 PM
Venue: House of Blended Ink (HOBI) Studios and Gallery, 300 Oakland Ave SE, Atlanta, Georgia 30312
Contact: https://www.facebook.com/events/174698759925393/​

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