Carnatic Music Association of Georgia (CAMAGA): April events

4/30/2016 4:00 PM

Carnatic Music Association of Georgia (CAMAGA): April events

Carnatic Music Association of Georgia (CAMAGA): April events

Date: Saturdays, April 2, 9, 16, 18, 30, 2016
Time: 4pm except 4/9 Carnatic Mela 10am-6pm
4/2: Mrs. Aruna Sairam (Vocal), B. V. Raghavendra (Violin), Thanjavoor Murugaboopathy (Mridangam), Guru Prasad (Ghatam) [see others in table below]
Registration Form and Event Details....
Venue: 4/2+4/30 at Hindu Temple of Atlanta, 5851 Georgia Hwy 85, Riverdale, GA 30274

Venue: 4/9+4/16 at Chinmaya Niketan Auditorium,, 5511 Williams Road, Norcross, GA

Contact: Dr. Ram Sriram, 770-493-6534,,

April 2nd


Mrs. Aruna  Sairam (Vocal)

B. V. Raghavendra (Violin)

Thanjavoor Murugaboopathy (Mridangam)

Guru Prasad (Ghatam)


Hindu Temple of Atlanta

4 PM


April 9

April 9 (Saturday)


Carnatic Mela – See the detailed message below

Chinmaya Niketan Auditorium

5511, Williams Road,

Norcross, GA

10 AM to 6 PM

April 16

April 16 (Saturday) changed Sun to March 27 HTA

Chinmaya Sisters – Uma and Radhika

Mantraratnam Prasad (violin)

Ram Sriram (Mridangam)

Chinmaya Niketan Auditorium

5511, Williams Road,

Norcross, GA


4 PM


April 30th


Dr. Padma Sugavanam (Vocal)

Kamalakiran Vinjamuri (Violin)

Vinod Seetharaman (Mridangam)


Dr. Padma Sugavanam is a senior disciple of Sangeetha Kala Acharya, Smt. Seetha Rajan. She is an A grade artist of All India Radio. Her doctoral thesis is both on music and Sanskrit. Currently, she is a professor of music at the Sri Venkateswara College of Music and Dance, Tirupathi.

Hindu Temple of Atlanta

4 PM


CARNATIC MELA and Centenary Celebration of Smt. M. S. Subbulakshmi



CAMAGA is organizing the Carnatic Mela on Saturday, April 9th, 2016 at the Chinmaya Niketan Auditorium, 5511 Williams Road Norcross GA.  The event is being held, both to show  case young people learning Carnatic Music from the Atlanta area and also to celebrate the Centenary of the legendary musician, Bharath Rathna, Smt. M. S. Subbulakshmi.  If you are interested, you may register for the event. The CAMAGA website events) provides the details (also copied below).  The registration form for the event is attached.


Carnatic Mela encourages younger members from the community learning music to participate in an enjoyable and yet simple music-related activities (e.g. choir singing, quiz program, debate, and more).  The Mela would also include items that adults can participate (the adults group activities will be independent of the kids’ group activities).  Since the purpose of the Mela is make participation enjoyable and not stressful, the format, unlike a music competition, will have no winners or losers.   At the end of the concert, certificates of `appreciation will be awarded by Carnatica to the participants in the Mela.



The event starts at 10 A.M. (with registration starting at 9:30 AM). The Mela is scheduled for a total of seven hours including an hour of lunch break. In addition to the young adults programs to be held during the morning and afternoon, would include the following programs.


·         Vocal concert by Ms. Aishwarya Viswanathan (grand-daughter of Smt. M. S. Subbulakshmi)


·         Vocal Concert by Carnatica Brothers – Sri Shashikiran and Sri Ganesh with B. V. Raghavendra (Violin). Thiruvarur Vaidyanathan (Mridangam)


·         The Carnatica Brothers would be joined by Upanyasa exponent Smt. Suchitra and Bharatanatyam exponent, Ms. Smitha Madhav.


The concert would be thematic, celebrating the memory of Smt. M. S. Subbulakshmi.


The Carnatic Mela would include  the following concepts:


·         Show-case local Talent: Three young performers (to be chosen in advance; the rules for the selection process will be announced soon) will each perform for 15 minutes.


·         Carnatic Choir: Local teachers can take the lead in putting together a choir; the participants can include both the teachers and their students. Only two groups would perform and each group would be assigned twenty minutes maximum time. 


·         Quiz: a kids group with a maximum of 4 participants (and a separate group of adults with 4 participants). A multimedia quiz on Carnatic music would be conducted by the artists. If no member from a group is able to answer a quiz question, the question will be opened to the audience participation.


·         Multi-media presentation: A group of young people can give  a multi-media presentation on a topic of choice (suggested: Life, music, or other accomplishments of Smt. M. S. Subbulakshmi)  (only one group)


·         Musical Pattimandram:   Two opposing groups, each consisting of three individuals (only young people); they will debate against each other; the topics are wide open – Suggested: Bhakthi or Melody in Smt. M. S. Amma’s performance; Carnatic music as passion or a career, how do we make Carnatic Music youth-friendly or what makes MS a Carnatic Icon; we welcome suggestions for other interesting topics ).  Thirty  minutes maximum including summarizing by the Moderator.


·         Raga Repertoire (time permitting): Two young individuals group (less than 15 years of age) and two adults group will be formed (the young and adult groups will participate separately). A member from a group will pick from a box, a slip of paper on which is written a song’s name. One of the three participants from the group will identify the raga; sing the arohanam and avarohanam of the raga and a few phrases and lines from the composition. Points will be awarded to each group. Similar process will be used for the adults groups.


The process:


·         Individuals (both young kids and adults) must send in a Registration Form

·         A registration fee of $25 must be paid by non-members

·         Deadline for sending in the application and registration fee: March 15, 2016

·         Since both the time available and the number of participants for each theme is limited, registrations will be accepted on first come first basis.

·         Participant of a registration will be assigned only to the theme he/she has indicated as the first preference.

·         Initially, a participant will be restricted to one theme only. If, later, there are opening in any of the other themes, CAMAGA may give a participant a second theme also. Participants for this will be chosen by a lottery.


If you have any questions or suggestion, you may send an email to

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