Asian Pacific American Heritage Month Symposium

5/17/2014 9:00 AM

Asian Pacific American Heritage Month Symposium

Asian Pacific American Heritage Month Symposium

1) 5th Annual Asian Pacific American Heritage Month Symposium

Date: Saturday, May 17, 2014
Time: 9 a.m.
Venue: the National Archives at Atlanta
Contact: Ching Hsia,;

2) OUR IMMIGRANT ASIAN PACIFIC AMERICAN MOTHERS & GRANDMOTHERS is a photography and oral history exhibition exploring the dynamic lives and experiences of Asian Pacific American women in the U.S. South.
For more info:

3) 2nd Annual Asian Pacific American Heritage Month Celebration Dinner
co-presented by the Asian American Peace Officers of Georgia
and the Asian Pacific American Historical Society
This fundraiser will benefit scholarships and community outreach programs for both organizations. Details below flyer.

APA_MothersGmas05.17.14 flyer with logos.JPG

DETAILS: Date: Saturday, May 17, 2014
Time: 6 p.m.
Venue: Happy Valley Seafood Restaurant, 5495 Jimmy Carter Rd. Norcross, Ga. 30093.
Contact: Ching Hsia, 2014 APAHM Celebration Dinner Chair,, 770-366-1478

Highlights · Honoring Asian Pacific American Mothers & Grandmothers
· Keynote Speakers:
· AAPOG Speaker: Aparna Bhattacharyya, Executive Director of Raksha, Inc., which works with the South Asian community to address domestic violence and sexual violence, and improve community safety
· APAHS Speaker: John Jung, Professor Emeritus, “Honoring Immigrant Chinese American Mothers in the Deep South during Jim Crow Era,” highlighting important aspects of the difficult lives of Chinese immigrant women in the South from the late 1920s up to just before the civil rights era in the 1960s
· Special Guests:
· AAPOG: Local, County, State and Federal Law Enforcement Agencies
· APAHS: National Archives, StoryCorps, Mississippi Delta Chinese Heritage Museum
· Benefiting:
· AAPOG Young Dragons Scholarship Programs and AAPOG Community Outreach Programs for the Asian Pacific American Community (Firearms Safety, Self-Defense, and Community Outreach at APA churches, mosques, temples, community centers and schools)
· APAHS Alfred & WooiYi Yin Civil Rights Scholarship Program and APAHS Public Programs (Annual APA Heritage Month Symposium at the National Archives at Atlanta, Annual Dec. 17 “Day of Inclusion” Celebration, APAHS Book Club/Community Dialogues, and APAHS/StoryCorps APA Family Recording Day at the Atlanta History Center)

Please ask for Sponsorship Packet for ways that you and your organization can contribute to AAPOG's efforts to build the pipeline of APA youth entering law enforcement careers and to improve the safety and well-being of Asian Pacific American in Georgia; and to contribute to APAHS' efforts to build the momentum for scholarship and research on diverse APA lives in the U.S. South and to document our histories, and public education programs. Raksha, Inc. is a 501c3 organization who is serving as fiscal agent so your contributions are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowable under the law. For more sponsorship details, please contact Tricia Sung, AAPOG executive director, at or 404-494-0362.

We appreciate your support of our 2nd Annual Asian Pacific American Heritage Month in Georgia Celebration Dinner and Fundraiser!

Best regards,

Ching Hsia
Chair, 2014AAPOG APA Heritage Month Celebration Dinner

Louis Tsang
President, Asian American Peace Officers of Georgia (AAPOG)

Dick Aquino
President, Asian Pacific American Historical Society (APAHS)

Tricia Sung
Executive Director, AAPOG & APAHS

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