Chai & Just Chat: Health

6/23/2018 3:00 PM

Chai & Just Chat: Health

Chai & Just Chat

"To Heal as in healthy or the Diet to die for"

Please accept this invitation to join us for Chai & Just Chat, " To Heal as in Healthy or the Diet to die for " on June 23, 2018. Registration deadline is June 20,2018. If you have registered, you need not register again.  No cost to participate. Open to the public. REGISTER

The proposed panel discussion at the Chai & Just Chat is designed to encourage discussion on chronic health problems related mainly to diet. Today’s fast pace lifestyle has compelled us to processed foods of convenience which has adverse effects on our health. Cardiac problems, diabetes mellitus, arthritis are a few of the illnesses that have been on the rise. Is healthy eating and good exercise the best & only way to get healthy or are there other factors or elements related to living healthy? Experts will provide practical suggestions and help debunk the available confusing information on fad diets.

Additionally listen to the practical demonstrations / highlights of healthier model diets / fitness activity & mindful relaxation techniques.

The power of public dialogue between subject matter experts, therapists, scientists, physicians and healers will not only address the relation between food, emotions and beliefs but also discuss the relationship between our physical and mental health condition.

What’s in it for you:
After the Chai & Just Chat, it is anticipated that we will accomplish the following:

Findings, conclusions and action plans resulting from our Chai & Just Chat will help promote broader understanding and ways to nourish our body, mind and soul; learning to eat mindfully & to create a balance – physical, social, emotional, mental & spiritual.

Date: Sat June 23, 2018 
Time: 4pm
Venue: Nazeera LLC, 6475 East Johns Crossing, Johns Creek, GA 30097
Register: tinyurl/chaiandjustchatjune

Image may contain: 11 people, including Nazeera Dawood, people smiling

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