Clarkston Summit
11/10/2018 8:30 AM

The Refugee and Immigrant Health and Wellness Alliance (RIHWA) invites you to attend the Clarkston Summit, co-hosted by the Emory Global Health Institute and Georgia State University. The Summit will bring together entities working in the community of Clarkston to share work, deepen partnerships, and empower the community to convey its needs. The Summit is designed to encourage a mutually beneficial exchange of ideas between Clarkston residents, community leaders, service providers, and the academic community. Our goal for this event is to further intercultural understanding, build a stronger foundation for collaboration, and ultimately improve the health and well-being of the Clarkston community (including South Asian refugees, Bhutanese, etc.).
Registration is still open!
Register to present at the expo:
The Summit will include an afternoon expo to showcase groups, organizations, and individuals whose work is relevant to the immigrant and refugee communities. The aim of the expo is to facilitate dissemination of information about programs and resources to the broader community of Clarkston. Organizations and service providers will emphasize programs and events that support immigrants and refugees. Researchers, non-profits, and academics are invited to present their work in various disciplines related to migration studies in a walk-through expo.
Registration is still open!
Register to present at the expo:
The Summit will include an afternoon expo to showcase groups, organizations, and individuals whose work is relevant to the immigrant and refugee communities. The aim of the expo is to facilitate dissemination of information about programs and resources to the broader community of Clarkston. Organizations and service providers will emphasize programs and events that support immigrants and refugees. Researchers, non-profits, and academics are invited to present their work in various disciplines related to migration studies in a walk-through expo.
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
Registration and Continental Breakfast
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Plenary Session and Panel Discussion
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Breakout Sessions
12:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Lunch & Expo
Venue: Georgia State University Perimeter College - Clarkston Campus, 555 North Indian Creek Drive, CN Building (adjacent to Parking Lot 2), Clarkston, GA 30021