Disaster Preparedness

10/14/2017 10:00 AM

Disaster Preparedness

Disaster Preparedness
Your Church, Temple, Synagogue, ​and Mosque Members Can Work Together to Help Save Lives.

In the event of a mass outbreak of disease or a bio-terrorist attack in Forsyth, Gwinnett, Hall, Newton & Rockdale counties - there is a great need for volunteers to help dispense antibiotics or vaccinations to more than 1.5 Million residents in less than 48 hours.

Looking for Church, Temple, Synagogue or Mosque leaders & members who want to learn how to get their organization ready to help save their loved ones and their neighbor's lives when these disasters strike.

Get yourself registered TODAY by filling up the form below.
Can you come to the 10/14 event at 10:00 AM?
Please share with your organization by clicking here and here to download flyers.
Looking for volunteers to help before, during and after the event.

Ahmadiyya Muslim Community (GA Chapter) joins hands with Noah’s Ark, MRC & Gwinnett/Rockdale/Newton/Hall County Health Dept. to educate locals about the need of volunteers to help dispense life-saving antibiotics or medications in the event of a mass outbreak of disease or bio-terrorist attack.
There will be presentations on Love God Serve Together events, Mass casualty & types of disasters to prepare for, Points of dispensing (POD’s) Volunteer opportunities with MRC. Leaders from Ahmadiyya Muslim Community (GA Chapter), Noah’s Ark, Gwinnett/Rockdale/Hall/Newton Counties Health Dept., MRC and LDS Church will be present.
So that awareness about Bio-Terrorism response and training can reach the maximum number of residents of these Metro Atlanta counties.

Date: Saturday, October 14, 2017
Time: 10am-noon
Venue: Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Bait-ul-Ata Mosque, 1800 Willow Trail Pkwy NW, Norcross, GA 30093
Register: before 10/10/17 at http://www.lovegodservetogether.org/

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