Emerging Technologies Areas and Best Practices to Bridging Skills Gap Seminar

Emerging Technologies Areas and Best Practices to Bridging Skills Gap Seminar
The skills needed to tap into new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), machine learning, robotics, blockchain, etc. are in short supply. The businesses who crack the code of upskilling their employees in the right technology are the ones who are most likely to thrive in an evolving landscape of talent and work.
Industry leaders and learning & development experts say that bridging this skills gap
Confirmed/Invited* Speakers
(as of 05/13/19)
9:30 am - Registration
10:00 am - Welcome Remarks
o Dr. John R. McIntyre, Professor of Management and International Affairs
Executive Director, Georgia Tech Center for International Business Education&
Research Scheller College of Business & Sam Nunn School of International Affairs, Georgia
Institute of Technology
10:15 am - Session 1
• Likely Impact of Emerging Technologies on Today’s Work Force
o Mr. Christopher Grahn, Partner Atlanta, Odgers Berndtson
o Mr. Vadim Y. Ratokhin, Director, UPS Capital Technology
o Mr. Alain Louchez, Managing Director, Georgia Tech Center for the Development and Application
of Internet of Things Technologies. - Internet of Things (IoT)
11:15 am – Session 2
• Best Practices to Bridging Skills Gap in Short Term
o Dr. Jan Youtie, Director, Program in Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy, Enterprise
Innovation Institute, Georgia Institute of Technology
o Mr. Elliott Paige, Airport Director, Air Service Development, Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta
International Airport (ATL)
o Ms. Andrea Harper, Director, Workforce Development, Georgia Association of Manufacturers
o Mr. Ani Agnihotri, Co-Founder and CEO, Marshall Automation America, Inc.
Luncheon Speakers
o Mr. Harry Banks, Director, Technology Services, Southern Company
o Ms. Martha Ann Todd, Deputy Commissioner, Technical College System of Georgia
1:30 pm - Session 3
• What are Best Practices to prepare the Future Work Force
o Dr. Thomas J. Cunningham, Chief Economist, Metro Atlanta Chamber
o Mr. Larry Alford, GaMEP, Georgia Tech & South Metro Atlanta Advanced Manufacturing
Consortium and the industry liaison for the Georgia Consortium for Advanced Technical Training
(GA CATT) program.
o Mr. Ian A. H. Bond, Executive Director for International Affairs, Columbus Technical College
o Mr. Cesar A. Vence, Deputy Director, City of Atlanta, Mayor’s Office of International
For more information contact:
Ani Agnihotri at ani@usaindiabusinesssummit.com or call 404-394-6678
Confirmed/Invited* Speakers
(as of 05/12/19)
Mr. Harry Banks, Director, Technology Services, Southern Company
Speaker*, Georgia Department of Economic Development (GDEcD)
Mr. Vadim Y. Ratokhin, Director, UPS Capital Technology
Ms. Martha Ann Todd, Deputy Commissioner, Adult & Technical Education, Technical College System of Georgia
Dr. Thomas J. Cunningham, Chief Economist, Metro Atlanta Chamber
Mr. Christopher Grahn, Partner Atlanta, Odgers Berndtson
Dr. John R. McIntyre, Prof. of Management and International Affairs, Executive Director, Georgia Tech Center for International Business Education & Research, Scheller College of Business, Ga Tech
Mr. Larry Alford, GaMEP, Georgia Tech & South Metro Atlanta Advanced Manufacturing Consortium and the industry liaison for the Georgia Consortium for Advanced Technical Training (GA CATT) program.
Dr. Jan Youtie, Director, Program in Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy, Enterprise Innovation Institute, Georgia Institute of Technology
Ms. Andrea Harper, Director, Workforce Development, Georgia Association of Manufacturers
Mr. Elliott Paige, Airport Director, Air Service Development, Hartsfield-Jackson AtlantaInternational Airport (ATL)
Mr. Ian A. H. Bond, Executive Director for International Affairs, Columbus Technical College
Mr. Alain Louchez, Managing Director, Georgia Tech Center for the Development and Application of Internet of Things Technologies. - Internet of Things (IoT)
Mr. Ani Agnihotri, Co-Founder and CEO, Marshall Automation America, Inc.
9:30am - Registration
10am - Welcome
10:15 am - Session 1: Impact of Emerging Technologies on Today's Work Force
11:15 am - Session 2: Bridging Skills Gap in Short TermLuncheon Speaker: Mr. Harry Banks, Director, Technology Services, Southern Company
1:30 pm - Session 3: What are the Best Practices to prepare the Future Work Force?
Date: Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Time: 9:30 AM – 3:00 PM
Venue: Technology Square Research Building (TSRB), GaTech
85 Fifth Street NW, Atlanta, GA 30308