Emory Univ.: Life of the Buddha
Emory University: The Life of the Buddha
In conjunction with the exhibition Doorway to an Enlightened World: The Tibetan Shrine of Alice S. Kandell, Sara McClintock, associate professor of religion at Emory University, leads readers through a masterwork of Tibetan literature,The Life of the Buddha.
The story of Shakyamuni Buddha’s epic journey to enlightenment is perhaps the most important narrative in the Buddhist tradition and serves as blueprint for a life of mindfulness, dedicated to the easing of suffering both for oneself and for others.
Tenzin Chögyel’s The Life of the Buddha, composed in the mid-eighteenth century and now in a vivid new translation, is a masterly storyteller’s rendition of the twelve acts of the Buddha. Chögyel’s classic tale seamlessly weaves together the vast and the minute, the earthly and the celestial, reflecting the near-omnipresent aid of the gods alongside the Buddha’s moving final reunion with his devoted son, Rahula. The Life of the Buddha has the power to engage people through a deeply human story with cosmic implications.
Date: Monday, March 28, 2016
Time: 7:30 pm,
Venue: Board Room, Level Two, Carlos Museum, Emory University, 571 South Kilgo Circle, Atlanta, GA 30322
Fee: $25 for Carlos Museum members; $35 for non-members, and includes the cost of the book.
Registration is required by calling 404-727-6118.
Contact: 404-727-6118