Experience Pakistan at the Dogwood Festival

4/13/2018 10:00 AM

Experience Pakistan at the Dogwood Festival

Experience Pakistan at 82nd Atlanta Dogwood Festival
Where you can see a Pakistani exhibit and live performances on Pakistani songs at International Stage.

Dear Community Members, come out and represent Pakistan by attending "Experience Pakistan", at the Atlanta Dogwood Festival at Piedmont Park! This is a FREE event for the entire family. Pakistan is one of only 9 countries honored to have a booth at the International Village section of the Dogwood Festival. The booth will have: Mehndi, Face painting, Your Name in Urdu script, Bangles, and Music by DJ Zee. The Pakistan booth will be there all weekend. Cultural dances by Sanam Studios Dancers will be performed on the 'International Stage' (walking distance from the booth) only at 2pm sharp on Sat Apr 14. Wear your best Green. Bring everyone you know.

Dates: April 13-15, 2018
Times: TBA
Venue: Piedmont Park, 1215 Piedmont Ave NE, Atlanta, Georgia 30309
Contact: https://www.facebook.com/PaceAtlanta/photos/a.1569653146606817.1073741828.1568738573364941/1990503604521767/?type=3&theater

Image may contain: 4 people, people smiling, text and food

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