Exposure to Muslims in Media and Intergroup Relations

3/21/2016 11:55 AM

Exposure to Muslims in Media and Intergroup Relations


Exposure to Muslims in Media and Intergroup RelationsMONDAY, MARCH 21, 2016, 12 – 1:30PM EDT
Exposure to Muslims in Media and Intergroup Relations
Location Jones Room, Woodruff
University Event Topic Community, Diversity, Lectures & Meetings, Ongoing Event
School Emory College
Department/Organization James Weldon Johnson Institute for the Study of Race and Difference
Building/Room Robert W. Woodruff Library
Meeting Organizer/Sponsor James Weldon Johnson Institute for the Study of Race and Difference
Speaker/Presenter Muniba Saleem (Assistant Professor of Communication Studies, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor)
Cost Free
Registration / R.S.V.P. link form.jotform.com…
Contact Name Anita Spencer Stevens
Contact Email anspenc@emory.edu
Link jamesweldonjohnson.emory.edu…

This talk examines how Muslims are represented in American media and how these representations influence intergroup relations between Muslim and non-Muslim Americans. First, Dr. Saleem examines the effects of media portrayals of Muslims on majority members’ perceptions of Muslims and support for public policies harming Muslims internationally and domestically. Next, her research considers how media representations of Muslims influence Muslim American individuals’ sense of identity, civic engagement, and relations with the majority.

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