FAMILY VEDANTA RETREAT with Sri Swamini Svatmavidyanandaji
with Sri Swamini Svatmavidyanandaji
Date: August 31-September 2, 2013
Venue: Hilltop Garden Inn Forsyth
951 GA Highway 42 N,
Forsyth, GA , 31029
Phone: 478-994-9260
Retreat fee:
$150 per family. Children free. This amount covers 2 nights of stay and all meals
The Retreat program will begin on Saturday, August 31st at 1 pm and end on Monday, September 2nd at 1 pm.
This retreat will have a module for children and young adults ranging from ages 5-15. In this way, families can attend the retreat together and grow spiritually.
The schedule will include meditation, classes by Swamini-ji, interactive question/answer sessions with Swamini-ji and bhajan.
To sign up for the retreat or for more information,
please reply to this email me at or email to
by August 18th , 2012
Request payment in full by August 23rd , 2012
Topic: ANANDA MIMAMSA - What is Ananda?
This retreat will focus on ananda. Happiness seems to be simultaneously the most sought after and the most elusive thing in the universe and, therefore, the quest for ananda be extremely confusing and frustrating. In this retreat, we will look deeply into the nature of happiness, as unfolded by the Vedas. Through employing the unique method of comparing the degrees of ananda enjoyed by the jivas in this world and other celestial realms, the Taittiriya Upanishad unfolds the nature of oneself as joy, thereby redirecting the quest for ananda into the quest for the very nature of oneself. Revealing that happiness is centered on the self, the subject, rather than the objects that one pursues, the study of this portion of the Taittiriya Upanishad imparts a sense of direction into the nature of one's spiritual enquiry and growth, regardless of whether one is a recent or an accomplished sadhaka.