Film: The Sun Behind the Clouds

Film: “The Sun Behind the Clouds: Tibet’s Struggle for Freedom” followed by Q&A.
Date: Friday, March 28, 2014
Time: 7:30 - 9:00 pm
Venue: Carlos Museum Reception Hall, Level 3, Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30322
Filmmakers Ritu Sarin and Tenzing Sonam will introduce and screen their award-winning documentary The Sun Behind the Cloud: Tibet's Struggle for Freedom (2009), which chronicles the widespread uprisings inside Tibet in 2008, and the non-violent direct actions carried out by both Tibetans in exile and supporters around the world at the same time. In addition to riveting footage of these global events, the film contains interviews with the Dalai Lama, scholars, government leaders, and activists discussing various, and sometimes divergent, approaches to resolving the Tibet issue.
Sarin and Sonam will conduct Q&A after the film. Moderated by Dr. Tara Doyle.
This film is sponsored by Emory College Center for Creativity & Arts, the David Goldwasser Series in Religion and the Arts, Department of Religion, Middle East and South Asian Studies Department, South Asia Seminar, Emory-Tibet Partnership, Film and Media Studies Department, Students for a Free Tibet, and Hindu Students Association.