GCIV: India Changes Course

Georgia Council for International Visitors
India Changes Course
Dr. Salli Vargis, Professor History, Honors Program Coordinator, Georgia Perimeter College
Fed up with corruption, dynastic policies and ineffective public services, Indian voters catapulted Narenda Modi and his Bharatiya Janata Party to power in the country’s 2014 elections. For voters, Modi embodied real change and an India that wasn’t stumbling, but running, to greatness. But for the U.S., change in India brings its own set of unknowns, heralding an age ruled by a prime minister new to national office and other policymakers who have been out of the public eye for a decade. Now, the U.S. has to determine how to best secure its interests as India asserts itself on the world stage.
Date: Thursday, January 15, 2015
Time: 7:30 pm
Venue: Dunwoody United Methodist Church, 1548 Mount Vernon Road, Dunwoody, GA 30338. For driving directions: dunwoodyumc.org
Cost: $35-45
Register: http://gciv.org/programs/gd/dunwoody/
Contact: 404-832-5560