Ganesh Temple of Atlanta: Maha Shivratri
2/24/2017 7:00 AM

Ganesh Temple of Atlanta: Maha Shivratri
The puja starts with Sri Ganapathi Homam, Rudra Homam, Shiva Parvathula Kalyanam and Abhishekams where devotees can perform bathing of Lord Shiva and followed by Shiva Puja.
Date: Fri Feb 24 2017
Time: 7am
Venue: Ganesh Temple of Atlanta, The Hindu Community Center, Inc., 433 Canton Road, Ste #305, Cumming GA 30040
Contact: Priest Mallikarjuna S. Sarma, 770-573-4311 (Home) or 404-483-9512 (cell),,