Gokuldham: June events

Gokuldham: June events
Vachanamrut by P.P Goswami 108 Shree Kunjeshkumar Mahodayashree
June 3,2017 - 5:15PM to 6: 15PM - Saturday
June 4, 2017 5:15PM to 7:15PM - Sunday
Mahaprsad will be served after Shayan Darshan.
Vachanamrut by P.P Goswami 108 Shree Bharatkumar Maharajshree
June 10 & 11,2017 - 5:15PM to 7:15PM - Saturday & Sunday
Mahaprsad will be served after Shayan Darshan.
P.P Goswami 108 Shree Bharatkumar Maharajshree will be in Atlanta from June 10 to June 12. Anyone interested in padhramani, please contact Bharat Shah 678-464-8649
June 3, 2017 - 7:30PM onwards - "Fearless Life Seminar" by Sanjay Raval (Successful Enterprenure, Writer & Motivational Speaker)
June 17,2017
Vachanamrut by P.P Goswami 108 Shree Krushnakumar Mahodayashree (Kadi-Amdavad)
Time 5:15PM to 7:15PM - Saturday
Mahaprsad will be served after Shayan Darshan.
June 18,2017
Vachanamrut by P.P Goswami 108 Shree Krushnakumar Mahodayashree
First Vachanamrut Time 4:00PM to 6:00PM - Sunday
Mahaprsad will be served between 6:00PM to 7:00PM
Vachanamrut by P.P Goswami 108 Shree Dwarkeshlalji Maharajshree
Second Vachanamrut Time 7:30PM to 9:30PM - Sunday
Gokuldham is ecstatic to announce that Gokuldham Mentorship Program has been going well! We are very proud of our mentors and mentees who have taken out their time and making effort for the betterment.
We will be starting Summer Mentorship Program from June 12, 2017 which will allow high school students to gain community service hours by being mentors and role models for 6-8th grade middle school students.We invite high school students to participate, gain experience, and make a competitive resume for University/College applications. This program will also allow middle school students to have someone to look up to for advice and guidance as they move forward.
The program is for as little as 3 months to 6 months. Mentors will meet with the students once a week for 1 hour. More information will be available along with guidance on the program upon inquiry.
We invite both the high school students and middle school students who wish to participate in the program. Awards and certification will be given at the end of completion of the program.
Here is what the some of the current mentors have to say:
“ The Gokuldham Mentorship Program has impacted me in a positive way as in the process of mentoring a child younger than me and helping him grow and learn more about himself, I have also learned more about myself in this process. I have rejoiced the opportunity to create such a wonderful lasting relationship with my mentee.”
~ Ishani Desai Senior at Darlington School, Rome, GA
Aspiring future Doctor
“Mentorship program has taught me that trust and loyalty are two very crucial traits for building relationships. I have learned to keep an open-mind along with a positive attitude to accomplish goals with my mentee. This experience has made me realize that there is always something new to learn from everyone regardless of age.”
~ Yashshri Parikh Junior at Parkview High School, Lilburn, GA
Ambitious future Communications Director
“Being a mentor has taught me a lot of things, such as my ability to help my mentee. I have learnt a kind of patience which is vital for guiding them on matters like academics, social and interpersonal. Mentorship program has been a wonderful experience.”
~ Ritik Solanki Senior at Lambert High School, Suwanee, GA
Enthusiastic future Financial Analyst
The application deadline is June 10, 2017. Please fill out the forms and send them in ASAP. NO later thanJune 10, 2017. We look forward to working with you!
What is the role of Mentor?
-The main role of mentor is to provide guidance and support to your mentee based on his/her unique developmental needs. At different stages of your relation you will play a role as coach/advisor, resource person, source of encouragement and champion.
What is the role of Mentee?
-Honor your commitment - show up for meeting sessions, Be open, engaged and take initiative! You are the main driver of the relationship! Let your mentor know of the things and goals you want to achieve.
Please email: gokuldhammentorprogram@
For further information contact Tejas Patwa: 404-435-9548 or Krishna Shah: 732-447-7197
For Mentors Enrollment : https://goo.gl/forms/
For Mentee Enrollment: https://goo.gl/
Contact: https://www.facebook.com/Gokuldhamatlanta/, www.gokuldham.org