Huge Ravan Effigy burning & Dussehra Mini-Mela
10/12/2013 6:30 PM

" Huge Ravan Effigy burning & Dussehra Mini-Mela". Huge effigy of Ravan will be burnt to mark the victory of Good over Evil. Come and have fun at Dussehra mini mela. Food Stalls, Family Portrait Session, Face Painting, other booths/stalls etc etc. Unlimited fun for 3 hours. Mark your dates for the mega event. Contact for booth inquiries.
Date - Saturday, October 12 th 2013
Time - 6.30 PM
Venue - 492 Harmony Grove Rd Lilburn GA 30047
More Details:
Contact number - 678-662-2792 (ARYA)