ICA: Intercultural Competency Training

4/21/2016 5:00 PM

ICA: Intercultural Competency Training

The ICA Institute in collaboration with Berlitz Corporation would like to invite you to participate in a workshop on Intercultural Competency (IC). The duration of the workshop will be approximately 3 hours. We are offering free training to first 50 qualified participants.

Intercultural Competency Training

Have You Ever:

If you answered “yes” to any of the items above, you may need to consider participating in one of the ICA Institute's Intercultural Competency programs to learn more about Indian, Chinese and North American cultures.

The ICA Institute - in partnership with TMC - is offering an Intercultural Competency workshop for conference participants on a first come first served basis.

In This Workshop, You Will

This Program is Available For

How to Register

The ICA Institute - in collaboration with TMC - is providing free intercultural competency training to the first 50 qualified applicants.

If you are interested in any of these workshops please email Pamila Dembla at pdembla@kennesaw.edu

Director, India China America (ICA) Institute
Associate Professor of Information Systems
Division of Global Affairs
Kennesaw State University 

+1.678.852.0868 (cell)

[Info source: ICA]

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