IPN: Education in Rural India

Indian Professionals Network
Boon IT Solutions Inc
Invite you to join a presentation by
Mr. Malla Reddy & Kiran Kodithala on
Topic: Education to Rural India - Traditional way vs. Technology way
Mr. Malla Reddy is a graduate of IIT Madras, and IIM Calcutta. He retired from his services with Bosch (German automotive company) in 2008 as Director of Manufacturing. He has been a volunteer for Ekal and VHPA for several years now. His personal interests include development of India esp. rural India apart from others. He has organized Swami Vivekananda birthday celebrations in Atlanta in 2009 and 2013.
Mr. Kiran Kodithala is founder/CEO of N2N Services, an organization based out of Atlanta, GA. He has been involved in building solutions in the education space for several years. His new idea to use technology to deliver education to Rural India is being pursued by Ekal Vidyalaya currently.
Date: THURSDAY, October 16, 2014
Time: 6:30pm
Venue: Ashiana Indian Restaurant, Global Mall, 5675 Jimmy Carter Blvd., Norcross, GA 30071
Cost: $10.00 payable at reception desk
Everyone is welcome. Help us plan better.
RSVP to:
Mr. Ravi Devulapalli (organizer) - 404-422-6416- ravid@choice-solutions.com
Mr. Ravi R. Ponangi - 404-644-7521 - ravi@indiatribune.com
Dr. Narsi Narasimhan - 404-488-7310 - narsi@paalam.com