IPN: Silent Killers In Our South Asian Community

9/25/2014 6:30 PM

IPN: Silent Killers In Our South Asian Community

IPN Atlanta September Networking
Silent Killers In Our South Asian Community | Shifting From Sickness To Wellness
Featuring Dr. Nazeera Dawood, Program Manager at Fulton County Department of Health & Wellness

South Asian Americans have many real and serious threats to their health, including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and tuberculosis. Good health comes not just from receiving quality medical care but from stopping disease before it starts. Prevention should be woven into all aspects of our lives, including where and how we live, learn, work, and play. We all have a role in creating a healthier community. We believe that the IPN will be a great starting point and an invaluable resource to educate and empower professionals to take charge of their health.

Speaker: Dr. Nazeera Dawood, Program Manager at Fulton County Department of Health & Wellness
Topics To Be Covered
• Discuss current health conditions, risk factors and physical and nutritional habits which affect our community’s health
• Discuss the health needs of our community
• Emphasize our demographic characteristics

By the end of this presentation, we hope to:
- Improve capacity to reach out to the Asian American professionals
- Increase participation in preventive services
- Increase access to quality in-language materials which can be used for outreach and education
- Promote health services programs / initiatives offered through workshops

We are pleased to announce that Fulton County Health & Wellness, Division of Health Promotion & Asian American entities in metro Atlanta are collaborating to provide better services to the community.


About Dr. Nazeera Dawood
Dr. Nazeera Dawood is currently the Health Promotion Division Director at Fulton County Department of Health and Wellness. She received her medical doctor degree from Bangalore University in India and master’s degree in public health from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. She worked as a research project manager at Emory University for over 5 years. She served on the President’s Commission on Race and Ethnicity, Transforming the Community Project at Emory University and was recognized as the 2010-2011 ‘We are Emory, 100 Community Builders’.

Under Dr. Dawood’s leadership, the collaborative partnerships have grown to over 400 businesses, organization and individuals through the six health promotion coalitions formed to address major chronic diseases in Fulton County. She is responsible for securing $9,000,000 project funding for a period of three years. Dr. Dawood currently serves as a board member in the South Asian Public Health Association (SAPHA), National Asian Pacific American Women's Forum (NAPAWF) Atlanta Chapter & Georgia Alliance for Health Literacy.

She was born in Dindigul, Tamil Nadu & can speak Tamil, Kannada, Telugu, & Hindi. She believes in galvanizing the energies and empowering all citizens to collectively address chronic health issues.

Date: Thursday, September 25
6:30 pm-7:10 pm Registration and Networking
7:10 pm Introduction of IPN and Organizer
7:15 pm-8:00 pm Introduction of Speaker/Talk/Q&A
8:00 pm Thanks Followed by Dinner

Venue: Ashiana, Global Mall, 5675 Jimmy Carter Boulevard, Norcross
Cost: $10/person (includes buffet dinner)
Please RSVP Today So We Know How Many People to Accommodate For Meeting & Dinner
Ravi Chander • 404-822-0582, (This Month's Organizer)
Ravi Ponangi • 404-644-7521
Narsi Narsiham • 404-488-7310

About Indian Professionals Network (IPN): Indian Professionals Network (IPN) was originally founded in 1993 by Narsi Narasimhan. After holding monthly meetings for more than 12 years, it was put on hold since there are other excellent professional networking opportunities offered in Atlanta by GIACC, NetIP Atlanta and TiE Atlanta. To fill a void in the community, we are back.
IPN does not have membership dues and everyone is welcome. Each monthly meeting is organized by a different volunteer leader. If you are interested in being a sponsor or organizer, contact Narsi Narasimhan or call 404-488-7310. Minimum sponsor committment is $100 for incedental expenses.

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