Ian Boccio: MahāGaṇapati Ṛg Veda mantra

9/7/2014 6:30 PM

Ian Boccio: MahāGaṇapati Ṛg Veda mantra

Sunday, Sept. 7th, 6:30 pm
MahāGaṇapati Ṛg Veda Mantra

Satsaṅg with Ian Boccio

At Vista Yoga
2836 Lavista Rd, Suite D, Decatur, GA 30033

Free admission!
Donations gratefully accepted.

The festival of Gaṇeśa Caturthi, an annual event celebrating the Remover of Obstacles, began on August 29th and ends on September 7th. During this time, millions of people in India and around the world are practicing mantras and pujas to integrate Gaṇeśa's energy into their lives. The mantra satsang will be meeting on the last day of the festival to add our voices to the global chorus!

We will be chanting 108 repetitions of the MahāGaṇapati Ṛg Veda mantra, a shloka (short invocation) in the style of a Vedic prayer:

oṁ śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ 
glauṁ gaṁ gaṇapataye
vara varada sarva janam me
vaśamānāya svāhā

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