Initiative to Launch a Hindi Course at Georgia Tech

2/13/2012 12:00 AM

Initiative to Launch a Hindi Course at Georgia Tech

Proposal to Georgia Tech to offer Hindi language classes. As one of the world's most widely spoken languages, Hindi rightfully belongs as an academic subject in the United States. Nearly 30 accredited universities in the United States already offer Hindi as a part of their language programs.

Our student organization, Hindu Youth for Unity, Virtue, and Action, or Hindu Yuva, has approached the Georgia Tech administration regarding our proposal. The university claims that it requires funding to cover the costs of offering a Hindi language class and has asked that we raise $10, 000 as well as garner support from the Georgia Tech student body during this spring semester.

We invite you to be part of this effort and contribute in whatever way you deem appropriate. We encourage you to assist us financially as we climb closer to the goal of $10, 000.

Please contact us with any questions or concerns. Thank you in advance for your support.
Contact: Aman Sharma, GT Hindu YUVA, President, 713-254-1419

Sindhuja Surapaneni, GT Hindu YUVA, Secretary, 404-432-0327 

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