International Mid-Winter Gala

2/22/2020 6:30 PM

International Mid-Winter Gala

The date of the Gala is February 22 at 6:30 p.m. Registration closes February 18

Atlanta’s International Relations Community Hosts Mid-Winter Gala
Black-Tie Event for Local Global Diplomacy Leaders and Business Professionals

The Atlanta Council on International Relations (ACIR) and the International Club of Atlanta (ICA) are hosting their Mid-Winter Gala at the Capital City Club in Downtown Atlanta on February 22, 2020 at 6:30 pm.

The Mid-Winter Gala is a black-tie optional event open to the public and invites private and public sector ACIR and ICA members and non-members within the Atlanta community who share an interest in how international events shape the world today. The event will feature a cocktail hour, a delicious dinner, a 16-piece live orchestra, and dancing. All attendees will receive two complimentary drink tickets, and a cash bar will also be available.

According to Steve Bergey, Vice President of ACIR, “Throughout the year the ACIR relishes in its role as one of Atlanta’s premier organizations in bringing distinguished speakers to Atlanta to raise awareness on matters of international concern.  Our annual gala is a special event that focuses on the fellowship among our members and non-member friends and is our way of celebrating yet another successful season in our nearly 70 years of existence.”

Registration closes at midnight on February 18, 2020 or after the 200th person registers, whichever comes first. For more information about the Mid-Winter Gala, please visit

About the Atlanta Council on International Relations:
The Atlanta Council on International Relations (ACIR) is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing its members and the metro Atlanta community, through public discussion groups, forums, panels, lectures, and other similar programs, with a better understanding of the complex issues that confront the United States and the global community in the fields of international and security affairs, global economics and policy, and relations between and among nations and non-state actors in the international arena. Learn more about Atlanta Council on International Relations at


Sherry Lee
Member of the Board of Directors
Director of Marketing
(404) 903-0380

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