Khizr Khan | An American Family: A Memoir of Hope and Sacrifice

11/17/2017 7:00 PM

Khizr Khan | An American Family: A Memoir of Hope and Sacrifice

Khizr Khan | An American Family: A Memoir of Hope and Sacrifice
by A Cappella Books
This event is free and open to the public. However, you may reserve your seat by pre-ordering a signed copy of the book below.
This inspiring memoir by the Muslim American Gold Star father and captivating DNC speaker is the story of one family’s pursuit of the American dream.

In fewer than three hundred words, Khizr Khan electrified viewers around the world when he took the stage at the 2016 Democratic National Convention. And when he offered to lend Donald Trump his own much-read and dog-eared pocket Constitution, his gesture perfectly encapsulated the feelings of millions. But who was that man, standing beside his wife, extolling the promises and virtues of the U.S. Constitution?

In this urgent and timeless immigrant story, we learn that Khizr Khan has been many things. He was the oldest of ten children born to farmers in Pakistan, and a curious and thoughtful boy who listened rapt as his grandfather recited Rumi beneath the moonlight. He was a university student who read the Declaration of Independence and was awestruck by what might be possible in life. He was a hopeful suitor, awkwardly but earnestly trying to win the heart of a woman far out of his league. He was a brilliant and diligent young family man who worked two jobs to save enough money to put himself through Harvard Law School. He was a loving father who, having instilled in his children the ideals that brought him and his wife to America—the sense of shared dignity and mutual responsibility—tragically lost his son, an Army captain killed while protecting his base camp in Iraq. He was and is a patriot, and a fierce advocate for the rights, dignities, and values enshrined in the American system.

An American Family shows us who Khizr Khan and millions of other American immigrants are, and why—especially in these tumultuous times—we must not be afraid to step forward for what we believe in when it matters most.

Praise for Khizr Khan
“I’d like to say to Mr. and Mrs. Khan: Thank you for immigrating to America. We’re a better country because of you. And you are certainly right; your son was the best of America, and the memory of his sacrifice will make us a better nation—and he will never be forgotten.”—Senator John McCain

On November 17, 2017 at 7PM, Khizr Khan will be in conversation with Soumaya Khalifa, founder of the Islamic Speakers Bureau of Atlanta, and will be signing copies of his new book, An American Family: A Memoir of Hope and Sacrifice.
This event is free and open to the public. However, you may reserve your seat by pre-ordering a signed copy of the book below.

Date: Fri, November 17, 2017
Time: 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM
Venue: The Carter Center, 453 Freedom Parkway Northeast, Atlanta, GA 30307
Reservation: 1 ticket + 1 signed book: $29.40, 2 tickets + 1 signed book: $39.40 here

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