Lecture: Afghan "War Rugs"

4/9/2018 7:30 PM

Lecture: Afghan "War Rugs"
Lecture: Afghan War RugsMONDAY, APRIL 9, 2018, 7:30PM EDT
Location Oxford College
University Event Topic Arts
School Oxford College
Department / Organization Oxford College
Building/Room Williams Hall (Oxford)
Speaker/Presenter Alicia Cunningham-Bryant
Cost Free
Contact Name Danielle Dockery
Contact Email danielle.dockery@emory.edu

Alicia Cunningham-Bryant will speak on "Afghan War Rugs: A Visual Narrative from the Ground."

An award-winning teacher, Cunningham-Bryant holds the Kim T. Adamson Endowed Professorship in the Honors College and directs the campus-wide office of Fellowship Advising at Westminster College in Salt Lake City.

Cunningham-Bryant has extensive experience as an archivist and curator at museums in Philadelphia and New Haven, Conn., and she has done archeological field work in Egypt and Jordan. Her research interests are wide ranging and include public history, museum curation, digital humanities, Africa, Egyptology, Old World archaeology, ancient religions, The Hellenistic World, and art history, among other topics.

She earned a BA at University of California, San Diego (double majoring in history and archeology) and her PhD in near eastern languages and civilizations at Yale University.

This is an Oxford Studies event.

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