Lotiji Utsav ( First time in Gokuldham)
5/9/2014 5:30 PM

Lotiji Utsav ( First time in Gokuldham) by PP Goswami 108 Shree Krushnakumar Mahodayshree (Kadi-Amdavad)
To be Manorathi for Lotiji Utsav, please call one of the following volunteers soon.
Ankit Shah 678-836-6847, Tejas Patwa 404-435-9548, Patheek Chokshi 561-350-9538,
Darshan Shah 770-361-6528, Harshad Shah 678-560-0870, Subodh Shah 770-442-2861
Venue: Suite 109, Global Mall, 5675 Jimmy Carter Blvd, Norcross, GA 30071