Making Sense of Islam in the Contemporary World

3/30/2017 7:30 PM

Making Sense of Islam in the Contemporary World
Lecture: Making Sense of Islam in the Contemporary World: Themes and Critical Reflections by Mohammad Talib THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 2017, 7:30PM EDT
Location Oxford College
School Oxford College
Department/Organization Oxford College
Building/Room Williams Hall (Oxford)
Speaker/Presenter Mohammad Talib
Cost Free
Contact Name Danielle Dockery
Contact Email

Dr. Mohammad Talib is the 2016–2017 Pierce Visiting Scholar. The Pierce Visiting Scholar Program is a faculty exchange between “the two Oxfords,” Oxford College and the University of Oxford in England. 

Dr. Talib came to the University of Oxford as the Sultan Bin Abdul Aziz fellow in the Anthropology of Muslim Societies at the Oxford Centre for Islamic studies in 2002. He is also Islamic Centre lecturer at the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Oxford. He taught Sociology at Jamia Millia Islamia university (Delhi), from 1979 to 2001.

Dr. Talib's research in the anthropology of Islam focuses on Sufi groups, and madrassahs. His current research work: Madrassahs in the Recent History: An Alternative view between Anthropology and International Relations is a critical examination of the state of social science scholarship on Islam in the contemporary world after 9/11.

This is an Oxford Studies event.

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