Mindful Leadership
Mindful Leadership: Be More Effective. Innovative. and Collaborative Event
Ascend Greater Atlanta Chapter
Please join us to celebrate the festive of light - "Diwali". The right of spiritual wisdom transforming the darkness of our minds and our world.
This event will bring us the powerful speech of "Mindful Leadership" in how combining neuroscience with mindfulness can help us become the change that we want to see.
Date: October 24, 2017
Time: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Venue: Deloitte, 191 Peachtree St, 6th Floor, Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Member Fee: $0
Non-Member Fee: $15
Walk-In Fee: Same as above
Register at bit.ly/ATLMindfulLeadership
Contact: greateratlanta@ascendleadership.org, http://www.ascendleadership.org/events/EventDetails.aspx?id=1026350&group=