Mrtyunjaya Healing Sound Immersion
11/22/2019 7:30 PM

$25 at the door
$20 advance registration at
Join us on a journey to wholeness! The Mṛtyunjaya Mantra is a chant that connects to the transformative power of Śiva to create an experience of healing. This ancient, sacred sound formula is considered to be the most powerful of all healing mantras, capable of overcoming any karma and even bring enlightenment. Chanting of the Mṛtyunjaya Mantra will be accompanied by a recitation of the Śivāṣtakam, a prayer to Śiva in 8 verses, plus Śiva's root mantra - oṁ namaḥ śivāya.
Cosmic Sound Mandala presents sublime meditations that combine the sacred sound vibrations of Sanskrit chants, singing bowls, drums, gongs, and more, to create a connection point between Earth and the Infinite Cosmos.
Ian sings sacred bhajans (prayer songs) and leads the group in chanting mantras, accompanied by drums, harmonium, Indian harp, and various other instruments.
Margo creates a soundscape of sacred vibrations using Himalayan singing bowls, Chinese wind gong, and more, that form an environment of healing and meditative energies.
$20 advance registration at
Join us on a journey to wholeness! The Mṛtyunjaya Mantra is a chant that connects to the transformative power of Śiva to create an experience of healing. This ancient, sacred sound formula is considered to be the most powerful of all healing mantras, capable of overcoming any karma and even bring enlightenment. Chanting of the Mṛtyunjaya Mantra will be accompanied by a recitation of the Śivāṣtakam, a prayer to Śiva in 8 verses, plus Śiva's root mantra - oṁ namaḥ śivāya.
Cosmic Sound Mandala presents sublime meditations that combine the sacred sound vibrations of Sanskrit chants, singing bowls, drums, gongs, and more, to create a connection point between Earth and the Infinite Cosmos.
Ian sings sacred bhajans (prayer songs) and leads the group in chanting mantras, accompanied by drums, harmonium, Indian harp, and various other instruments.
Margo creates a soundscape of sacred vibrations using Himalayan singing bowls, Chinese wind gong, and more, that form an environment of healing and meditative energies.