Multifaith & Community Responses to Global Migration

2/6/2017 10:00 AM

Multifaith & Community Responses to Global Migration
Asylum, Refuge, & Relocation: Multifaith & Community Responses to Global Migration MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2017
Asylum, Refuge, & Relocation: Multifaith & Community Responses to Global Migration
Location Historic Academy of Medicine at Georgia Tech 875 West Peachtree St., NW, 
Atlanta, GA 30309
University Event Topic Community, Diversity, Humanities, International, Lectures & Meetings, Religion & Ethics, Seminars & Workshops, Special Event, Theology
School School of Theology
Department/Organization Candler School of Theology
Building/Room Off Campus
Meeting Organizer/Sponsor Leadership and Multifaith Program (LAMP) at Candler School of Theology
Speaker/Presenter Derreck Kayongo, Silas Allard, Heather Sharkey, Marie Marquardt, Emmanuel Lartey, Leanne Rubenstein, Azadeh Shahshahani, Luisa Cardona, Rhina Fernandes Williams, Laura Bier
Cost free
Registration / R.S.V.P. link…
Contact Name Deanna Womack
Contact Email
More Info / Register…

This third annual LAMP symposium aims to raise public awareness and provide resources for students, faculty, religious congregations, and community leaders who work with immigrants, refugees, and asylum-seekers or who care about issues of global migration. Our 10:00am screening of "After Spring" - a documentary on the Syrian refugee crisis - will be followed by a series of afternoon workshops. The keynote address will be given at 4pm by Derreck Kayongo of the Center for Civil & Human Rights. Individuals and organizations are invited to join our Poster Presentation & Resources Reception at 5:15pm to display posters, provide resources, and share action steps for working on behalf of immigrants and refugees. This event is free and open to the public. Register online by January 23.

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