NAPAWF: Reproductive Justice Leadership Institute

7/8/2016 5:00 PM

NAPAWF: Reproductive Justice Leadership Institute

National Asian Pacific American Women's Forum:
Reproductive Justice Leadership Institute (RJLI)

Join NAPAWF’s Reproductive Justice Leadership Institute (RJLI), a one-year immersion program in Atlanta, GA that prepares you to advocate for yourself and your community. The goal of RJLI is to develop strong leaders who can elevate their lived experiences to change public policies that dictate the choices available to women and girls.

At the end of this program, you will be equipped with the tools to be an effective leader for your community in any area you choose. You will complete an independent community research on a topic of your choosing and collaborate on developing the first ever “Blueprint for Reproductive Justice for Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Women and Girls in the U.S. South.”

The Reproductive Justice Leadership Institute provides:
Deep knowledge of women’s reproductive justice movement, including your own, at the intersection of race, sex, immigration, and other identities
Knowledge to make connections between abortion and equity, health, rights and justice – both personally and through an analysis of systemic and structural oppression
Leadership development training to prepare you for policy advocacy and community organizing
Community organizing opportunities to connect Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) women’s lived experiences to public policies
Community based participatory research with AAPI women, too often ignored in demographic studies
Policy recommendations to improve reproductive justice for AAPI women

Your commitment is crucial!
Commit to fully participate in the RJLI program for 1 year (See calendar below)
Commit to conduct independent research to highlight AAPI women’s experiences
Represent AAPI women’s voices in the movement for abortion rights
Collaborate on publishing recommendations on how to increase reproductive justice for women and girls in the U.S. South.
Applicants will be selected based on capacity, passion and ability to commit one-year to this project.

Application Deadline: Open until filled (we are taking 10 candidates!)

August: Program Orientation – Applicants get an overview of NAPAWF and RJLI program. Discuss independent study credit and internship program designs, if applicable. Discuss program commitments and support NAPAWF will provide to achieve program goals.

September 17 – 18: Reproductive Justice Leadership Institute Retreat – Leaders will practice courage, deepen their political knowledge, develop community organizing and participatory research skills.

Sep – Mar: Monthly Sessions – Leaders will use these monthly sessions to deepen their knowledge about reproductive justice, storytelling, advocacy and more. During these sessions, leaders will develop and design independent community based research topics.

Oct – Mar: Community Based RJ Research – Each leader will identify a topic they want to research, design and conduct the research. NAPAWF will provide technical assistance and networking to support leaders conducting research.

April (Date TBD): Close out Convening – Leaders will present their research findings and recommendations. Together, we will compile the recommendations into a report.

May – June: NAPAWF will publish the report and disseminate.

Venue: Atlanta, GA.
Apply: here
Contact: Satyam Barakoti,, 202-470-3170 x 035

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