Nonviolent Direct Action Activist Training
5/26/2019 9:30 AM

Nonviolent Direct Action Activist Training
for Ice Out of Gwinnett Action Week : Please check: this may be postponed.
We are working on a campaign to remove the 287(g) contract from Gwinnett County, which deputizes Gwinnett County Sheriff's Office to do the job of ICE agents at Gwinnett County's expense. The contract to renew 287(g) expires on June 30, and we are organizing in order to put pressure on the Gwinnett Board of Commissioners (BOC) and Sheriffs Office to stop this program. If you'd like more information on ICE Out of Gwinnett, please let me know or visit our website at!
You can sign onto our new letter to get ICE Out of Gwinnett. Even if you are not from Gwinnett County, your sign on still matters! We want the Board of Commissioners to know that people from all over have their eye on Gwinnett.
We are planning a Week of Action to make as much noise as possible against 287(g) and its potential renewal. See details here: Sign up to participate here.
Lastly, we are planning a Nonviolent Direct Action Activist training for May 26 from 9:30-4:30. If you'd like to participate in our Week of Action, we encourage you to come! Please let me know if you would like to attend and any dietary restrictions you may have.
Thank you so much for your support.
In solidarity,
Date: May 26, 2019
Time: 9:30-4:30.