"Not for You" book readings

"Not for You" book readings
"Family Narratives of Denial & Comfort Foods, Book One (2017) & Book Two (2018)"
Featured on NBC Asian America, twice, and a nominee for the Georgia Author of the Year Award, Nandita's two-part novel also includes 70+ traditional Indian comfort food recipes.
Join us as food writer & cookbook author Nandita introduces the many unique characters, themes, and takes on a literary journey across two continents, as you sip some warm, freshly made chai - the perfect
companion to the stories.~~
A Book Reading from
Internationally Known Local Author
Chaitime Stories
Book Readings Schedule:
Sunday May 6, 2018, 2pm: Bookmiser, ROSWELL: 4651 Sandy Plains Rd. @ Hwy 92, Roswell, GA 30075
Wednesday May 16, 7-9 pm: East Main Cafe, 10 E Main St, Canton, GA 30114
Saturday May 19, 3-5 pm: Book Exchange, 2932 Canton Rd # 220, Marietta, GA 30066,