One Belt, One Road: Risks, Opportunities, and Challenges

3/2/2017 10:00 AM

One Belt, One Road: Risks, Opportunities, and Challenges

The Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road
better known as One Belt, One Road
is China’s ambitious effort to foster global trade and economic development, with ‘Chinese characteristics’. Rather than a foreign aid program or merely a network of trading routes, at its heart One Belt, One Road (OBOR) is a debt-financed infrastructure development strategy. Stretching from Asia to Europe, it encompasses more than 60 countries, with official figures stating that there are 900 deals underway currently. Expert panelists will share insights and important information on OBOR. Learn more about the many opportunities available to all size companies of varied interests.

Schedule of the Event:
10:00am: Introduction remarks Ralph Chow, Regional Director, Americas at Hong Kong Trade Development Council
10:10am: Panel Discussion
Moderator: Dr. Yawei Liu, Director of China Program, Carter Center
Nicholas Kwan, Director of Research, HKTDC, HK
Minister Zhu Hong, Office of Economics and Commercial Affairs, Chinese Embassy
Henry Yu, President of HKAA, and COO of Asian Investors Consortium
30 minutes Q&A
11:40am: Break (15-20 minutes)
12:00pm: Lunch
Keynote Speaker: James Suciu, President, Global Sales and Marketing, GE Power & Water, Vice President and Officer, General Electric Company
1:30pm: Forum Concludes

Date: Thursday, March 2, 2017
Time: 10:00 AM - 1:30 PM
Venue: The Carter Center Cyprus Room, 453 Freedom Parkway, Atlanta, GA 30307
Cost: $50 (Lunch included
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