Patanjali Yoga Training

Patanjali Yogpeeth (USA) Trust’s
Self Development & Assistant YOG TEACHER Training - Level I
"Good health is the birthright of all human beings" –. Swami Ramdev
This Session integrates asanas, pranayam, meditation, mudras, bandhas, acupressure and selfreflection.Training by Shekhar Agrawal & Dr. Dilip Sarkar, Yog Teachers Training C
Dates: Friday - Sunday, March 6 - 8, 2015
Times: Friday 5 PM – 8 PM, Saturday 7 AM – 7 PM & Sunday 7 AM – 3 PM
Fee = $151-includes 3-day teacher training Level 1 and meals.
Venue: Brook Hollow Village Shopping Center, 5775 Jimmy Carter Blvd, Norcross, GA 30071
Register: Nagesh Kasam @ 678-471-
5701, e-mail: or Varinder Kumar
@ 404-788-0118, e-mail: or Dhanunjay
Nadipalli @ 404-234-2128, e-mail: