Poetic Voices of the Muslim World: Poetry Reading and Discussion

Poetic Voices of the Muslim World: Poetry Reading and Discussion
Poet and author Kazim Ali presents readings of his poems, a view from the vantage point of a Muslim and an American.
Kazim Ali

Poet, editor, and prose writer Kazim Ali was born in the United Kingdom to Muslim parents of Indian descent. He received a BA and MA from the University of Albany-SUNY, and an MFA from New York University.
Ali’s poetry collections include The Far Mosque(2005), which won Alice James Books’ New England/New York Award, The Fortieth Day (2008), and Sky Ward (2013). Ali’s poems, both lyric and musical, explore the intersection of faith and daily life. In a review of The Fortieth Day, Library Journal noted that Ali “continues his task of creating a rejuvenated language that longs to be liberated from the weight of daily routine and the power of dogmatic usage . . . writing in the tradition of Wallace Stevens, Ali is clearly a poet of ideas and symbols, yet his words remain living entities within the texture of the poem.”
His prose includes The Disappearance of Seth (2009), Bright Felon: Autobiography and Cities (2009), and the forthcoming Resident Alien: On Border-crossing and the Undocumented Divine. He is also the author of the novel Quinn’s Passage (2005), which was named one of the Best Books of 2005 by Chronogram magazine.
In 2003 Ali co-founded Nightboat Books and served as the press’s publisher until 2007.
He has received an Individual Excellence Award from the Ohio Arts Council, and his poetry has been featured in Best American Poetry. Ali has been a regular columnist for the American Poetry Review and a contributing editor for the Association of Writers and Writing Programs’ Writer’s Chronicle. He is a former member of the Cocoon Theatre Modern Dance Company.
Ali has taught at Oberlin College and the low-residency Stonecoast MFA program at the University of Southern Maine. He lives in Oberlin, Ohio.
In January 2014, Ali was a featured writer for Harriet.
Date: Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Time: 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Venue: AFPL Central Library, One Margaret Mitchell Square, Atlanta 30303.
free and open to the public.
Contact: 404.730.1896
Poetic Voices of the Muslim World: Children’s Story Time
Saturday, November 21. 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Jelena Naim will lead an interactive session for children under 10 that includes story time followed by crafts that are related to Muslim customs, observances and holidays. NOTE: Because materials will be provided, please RSVP to 404-730-1900 if you are planning to bring your children to attend.
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