Rajeev Dhawan presents Robinson Economic Forecasting
Conference Theme:
Emerging Global Turmoil: A Survival Guide!
Monetary Policy: Looking Back, Looking Forward
Commodities at the Crossroads of Policy, Inflation and Global Growth
U.S. and Atlanta Lodging Market Update: Time to Check In or Out?
Dr. Rajeev Dhawan | Director, Economic Forecasting Center at GSU
Robert Fry | Senior Economist, DuPont
Nayantara Hensel | Professor of Industry and Business, National Defense University
James Diffey | Senior Director, HIS Global Insight, U.S. Regional Services Group
You will be joining 300 other business professionals at the event, so don't miss this great opportunity to network!
Date: Wednesday, November 16
, 2011
Time: 8:00 am to 11:50 am
Venue: Speaker's Auditorium,
Student Center Building,
Georgia State University
, 44 Courtland Street
, Atlanta
RSVP by: Friday, November 11, 2011
Contact: 404-413-7260