Ramayana Gallery Talk & Indian Feast

1/23/2018 7:30 PM

Ramayana Gallery Talk & Indian Feast
Ramayana Gallery Talk & Indian FeastTUESDAY, JANUARY 23, 2018, 7:30 – 10PM EST
Ramayana Gallery Talk & Indian Feast
Location Emory University, Michael C. Carlos Museum, 
Galleries, Level One
Department/Organization Carlos Museum
Membership Link carlos.emory.edu…
More Info / Register carlos.emory.edu…

Students in an Emory class on the Ramayana curated the exhibition "Tell the Whole Storying from Beginning to End: The Ramayana in Indian Painting." These students will lead visitors through the exhibition, discussing the narrative & art historical periods and represented. After the talk, enjoy a traditional Indian feast and wine pairing orchestrated by Chef Archna Becker of Atlanta's Bhojanic restaurant.
Fee:  $65 for Carlos Museum members; $85 for nonmembers. Space is limited and registration is required at bit.ly/RamayanaFeast.

held in conjunction with the exhibition "Tell the Whole Story From Beginning to End:" The Ramayana in Indian Painting, which opens at the Carlos Museum on January 13 and runs through May 18, 2018. Programs are made possible through the generous financial support of the E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation and the Andrew W. Mellon Teaching and Training Fund.  



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