Ramayana: Workshop for Teachers

2/1/2018 5:00 PM

Ramayana: Workshop for Teachers
Ramayana: Workshop for TeachersTHURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2018, 5 – 7:30PM EST
Ramayana: Workshop for Teachers
Location Emory University, Michael C. Carlos Museum, 
Tate Room, Plaza Level
Department/Organization Carlos Museum
Membership Link carlos.emory.edu…
More Info / Register carlos.emory.edu…

In conjunction with the exhibition “Tell the Whole Story from Beginning to End": The Ramayana in Indian Miniature Painting, featuring scenes from the famous Hindu epic, teachers are invited to engage with these works up close and create intricate scenes of their own. Emory Assistant Professor of Religion Dr. Ellen Gogh will lead participants in a special after-hours tour of the exhibition. Educators will then transition to the studio to make their own narrative scenes with teaching artist and illustrator Ande Cook and investigate the opportunities and challenges of representing a narrative in two dimensions. In this workshop, teachers will also be introduced to Odyssey Online: South Asia, which allows them to explore and contextualize objects from the Carlos’ collection right in their classrooms, and be given a lesson plan that relates to the work. 
Fee: $10 for Carlos Museum members; $15 for nonmembers. Space is limited and registration is required by calling Clare Fitzgerald at 404-727-2363.

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