Sand Painting for Families

3/31/2018 11:55 AM

Sand Painting for Families 2.
Tibetan Sand Painting for FamiliesSATURDAY, MARCH 31, 2018, 12 – 2PM EDT
Location Michael C. Carlos Museum
Department / Organization Emory Tibet Partnership
Building/Room Carlos Reception Hall
Event Open To All (Public)
Registration / R.S.V.P. link…

Both adults and children can try their hand with Tibetan chak-purs and colored sand to create a sand painting. Free for Carlos Museum members; $10 for non-member adults, $8 for children ages 6 to 16, free for children 5 and under. Open to all with registration.

Mandala Sand Painting EventSATURDAY, MARCH 31, 2018, 10AM – 12PM EDT
Mandala Sand Painting Event
Location Michael C. Carlos Museum
Ackerman Hall, Level Three
Department / Organization Carlos Museum
Membership Link…

During Tibet Week, monks from Drepung Loseling Monastery will create a sand mandala of Akshobhya Buddha. Before the closing ceremony and the symbolic, ritual “withdrawing” of the mandala at 2 PM on Saturday, museum guests will have the opportunity to use Tibetan chak-purs and brightly colored sand to create their own sand paintings.

In appreciation of their ongoing support, this event is reserved for Carlos members from 10 AM-noon, and is free. Refreshments will be served. Space is limited and registration is required. Reserve your spot for members at

The event is open to everyone from noon-2 PM. Free for Carlos members; $10 for nonmember adults, $8 for children ages 6 to 16, free for children 5 and under. Includes admission to the galleries. Reserve your spot at

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