"Desi Hoop Dreams": "South Asian American Sporting Cultures: Beyond Black-White Racial Logic"

9/14/2015 11:55 AM

"Desi Hoop Dreams": "South Asian American Sporting Cultures: Beyond Black-White Racial Logic"

Emory University
"South Asian American Sporting Cultures: Beyond Black-White Racial Logic"

Speaker: Dr. Stanley Thangaraj, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, City College of New York, CUNY
James Weldon Johnson Institute for the Study of Race and Difference
(JWJI Race and Difference Colloquium),
In this inaugural JWJI Race and Difference Colloquium, Dr. Stanley Thangaraj looks at the performances of basketball cool and swagger by South Asian American men as a means to understand how those expressions of sporting masculinity relate to race. As they are fairly ambiguous racial subjects, they challenge the black-white racial logic and destabilize it. Yet, at the same time, South Asian Americans engage with the black-white lexicon to produce their own social arrangements of difference within South Asian America.
Topic Community, DiversityStan Thangaraj  Stan Thangaraj - Desi Hoop Dreams

Date: Monday, September 14, 2015
Time: 12noon – 1:30pm
Venue: Woodruff Library, Jones Room, Emory University, 540 Asbury Cir, Atlanta, GA 30322
Register: jwji@emory.edu
Contact :Anita Spencer Stevens, jwji@emory.edu. www.jwji.emory.edu, www.jamesweldonjohnson.emory.edu/, https://www.facebook.com/JWJIRD

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