Summer Solstice Gayatri Meditation

6/21/2018 7:30 PM

Summer Solstice Gayatri Meditation JUN21

Summer Solstice Gayatri Meditation

Admission by donation!

This meditation will be held in Don Martin's back yard at 1027 McConnell Drive in Decatur. Please park in the street and leave the driveway clear.

Join us to celebrate the longest day of the year and the height of the sun's vivifying power! In yoga philosophy, light is equated with knowledge and darkness is ignorance, so we shall connect with the powerful light energy of the Solstice by chanting the Gayatri Mantra outdoors where the sun's rays can connect with us directly.

Ian sings sacred bhajans (prayer songs) and leads the group in chanting mantras, accompanied by drums, harmonium, Indian harp, and various other instruments.

Margo creates a soundscape of sacred vibrations using Himalayan singing bowls, Chinese wind gong, and more, that form an environment of healing and meditative energies.

Special notes for tonight's meditation:


2) This is an outdoor event, so please bring the following items with you:
     a) Something to sit on. The ground in the space we will be using is pine straw, so yoga mats and/or blankets are recommended for your comfort, along with any props you might need to sit on the ground. You are also welcome to bring a chair to sit on. WE WILL NOT BE PROVIDING ANY SEATING FOR THIS EVENT, PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN!
     b) Bug spray. Don has had his back yard organically treated for mosquitoes, but that does not mean that there won't be any around. If the bugs like you, please bring a natural repellant (eucalyptus, lavender, etc.) to ward them off. PLEASE DO NOT USE ANY SPAYS THAT CONTAIN DDT (DEET)!
     c) This event will be rain or shine! If there is sustained rain in the forecast, then we will move the event inside Don's house. If there is just a chance of pop-up storms (the current forecast), then we will be outdoors and will be meditating through any rain that might happen. PLEASE BE PREPARED FOR RAIN!Bring an umbrella, a rain coat or poncho, or whatever you need to be comfortable if it gets wet. Be aware that any blankets, pillows or bolsters you bring to sit on may get wet if it rains!

Thank you! We're looking forward to sharing this powerful experience with you!



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